Ham, turkey, tuna, mango, olives, vanilla pod, eggs, lime, cream, basil, fresh oregano, dried chili, duck, balsamic vinegar, bulghur, cardamom, barley, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, beer, pears and walnuts.
These are the ingredients so far but I want more so please add on!
On Wednesday is the kick off for this month's PC, I hope you will be here!
Monday, 29 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
And the winner is.....
You'll have to check out MizD & Chopper Dave's blog at Belly Timber - December Winner to see who they selected as the winner.
Hope everyone is thinking of ingredients for the next Paper Chef Challenge!
Hope everyone is thinking of ingredients for the next Paper Chef Challenge!
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Paper Chef 35 - Round Up

Welcome to the round-up of the Paper Chef 35 - the final one for 2008.
Last month's winners, MizD & Chopper Dave from Belly Timber Belly Timber will have the privilege of choosing the winner from a small but high quality field of four.
This month's key ingredients were:
Blood orange
First up we have Terry from Taste Adventures with his "blood" orange risotto cake, with "drunken" Mexican white shrimp in a blood orange vinaigrette.

Next is Lori Ann from Lip Smacking Goodness with her Shrimp and Rice Empanadas.

This turned into a double barrelled entry as there was enough filling leftover to make some spring rolls.

Sara from Culturally Confused created this wonderful Shrimp in Brandy Cream Sauce

And finally Mike (me) from Spikey Mikeys with a Blood Orange & Brandy marinated Prawns with Coconut Rice .

MizD & Chopper Dave will soon select this month's winner, but there is also a People Choice, so visit their blogs and select your favourite!
Vote for your Favourite here
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
December round-up coming soon
If you haven't emailed your Paper Chef entry, please email it to: paperchef@gmail.com
I'll be doing the round up soon.
I'll be doing the round up soon.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
December Ingredients........ are now up!!

You can find them here .
Remember the deadline & the rules & regulations. Be creative & above all, have fun!
send entries to paperchef@gmail.com
Saturday, 29 November 2008
December Ingredients....
The next round of The Paper Chef is starting this week! So if you have any suggestions for the ingredients, now is the time to let us know.
Either leave a comment or email us: paperchef AT gmail DOT com
Suggest as many or as few as you wish, but remember that they should be fairly easily sourced.
So far we have: Ham, turkey, tuna, mango, rice, olives, vanilla pod, eggs, lime, brandy, cream, basil, fresh oregano, dried chili.
Let the ideas flow...
Either leave a comment or email us: paperchef AT gmail DOT com
Suggest as many or as few as you wish, but remember that they should be fairly easily sourced.
So far we have: Ham, turkey, tuna, mango, rice, olives, vanilla pod, eggs, lime, brandy, cream, basil, fresh oregano, dried chili.
Let the ideas flow...
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Paper Chef 34- The Roundup
This month's Paper Chef Roundup is not written by Ilva, so please do not blame her for any mistakes with the posting. Nor can you blame her if the text bores you to tears. Then it is all my bad. FIY, it is Magnus writing so you know whom is to blame for real.
It is not only the first time that I will do the roundup, it was also the first time for Terry to partake in the Paper Chef challenge. So let’s all stand up in front of our computers to welcome Terry. So let’s start with Terry from Taste Adventures who made a tasty looking SmokedTurkey Hash with Lentil Griddle Cakes

Next up is Tricia from the blog Jonski Bloski who took a minimalist approach to the challenges with her Turkey Lentil Chile Squash Stew Let’s just say that she pulled it off only using a pinch of salt as an additive to the purity of the 4 ingredients. However, she was planning on other ideas which had to be put aside due to lack of ingredients. Go to her blog and tell her that we want to see those things too.
Hank from Hunter Angler Gardener Cook came up with a Wild Turkey Carnitas made of a turkey not shot by him but Holly – a woman that would scare the shit out of me. Read the part of snake shooting on her blog and you will understand what I am talking about. The link you will find in Hank’s entry.

Lori from Lori’sLipsmacking Goodness was putting herself down by saying that she didn’t make the most inventive dish. How could anyone with that blog title say such a thing? She made a lovely Turkey and Lentil Burger.

The dogs must have been mad of hunger when Natashya cooked her Moroccan SpicedTurkey Roll on a bed of Ginger Scented Squash Purée. It took some time to make it but I am sure it was worth it all. Pop over to her blog Living in the Kitchen with Puppies for a look and some inspiration.

There was yet another début in this round. It is Mike who started his new blog, Spikey Mikeys, and honored Paper Chef 34 by putting this entry as the first post in his new blog. Congratulations with your new blog! However, Mike is no newbie. He has been around for a while with another blog he had together with his partner Paul. So there is some fierce competition here with his well composed Poached Turkey (chicken) breast with marinated peppers on a bed of Bondi (french) Lentils and roasted caramelised butternut pumpkin.

To be or not to be was not the question in Tanna’s kitchen of half cups. No, it was all about squash or pepper to stuff in that kitchen. In the end she ended up choosing for all of it. Bless her. And I do hope she is feeling better. To get the full picture of filled peppers, pumpkins and unfortunately also a nose – click this link.

We already have a winner among the contestants. It is Denise at Chez Us who won for her Thanksgiving side dish at Chow Food Fight. Congrats, Denise. Well, let’s she if she did it again with herTurkey breast on a bed of Pumpkin and Lentils.

Last but not least we have Ilva, who needs no further presentation, and her impressive and somewhat odd 3-course menu. I must say that turkey in a dessert would not be my choice but if some one can make it work it is Ilva. And to be honest, I would be more than happy to have her dessert with a tiny piece of turkey. Of course we should not forget the rest of this fantastic menu. Have a look and judge for yourselves. You will have to scroll down a few entries.

A special honorable mentioning has to be made.
Pia from Serendipity, Synchronicity and Saffron actually went so far as to call the Mexican embassy on how to get hold of Anaheim peppers. You rock girl! However she ended up going on a trip instead of staying in the kitchen so we won’t see any cooking from her in this month’s PC.
It is not only the first time that I will do the roundup, it was also the first time for Terry to partake in the Paper Chef challenge. So let’s all stand up in front of our computers to welcome Terry. So let’s start with Terry from Taste Adventures who made a tasty looking Smoked
Next up is Tricia from the blog Jonski Bloski who took a minimalist approach to the challenges with her Turkey Lentil Chile Squash Stew Let’s just say that she pulled it off only using a pinch of salt as an additive to the purity of the 4 ingredients. However, she was planning on other ideas which had to be put aside due to lack of ingredients. Go to her blog and tell her that we want to see those things too.
Hank from Hunter Angler Gardener Cook came up with a Wild Turkey Carnitas made of a turkey not shot by him but Holly – a woman that would scare the shit out of me. Read the part of snake shooting on her blog and you will understand what I am talking about. The link you will find in Hank’s entry.

Lori from Lori’sLipsmacking Goodness was putting herself down by saying that she didn’t make the most inventive dish. How could anyone with that blog title say such a thing? She made a lovely Turkey and Lentil Burger.

The dogs must have been mad of hunger when Natashya cooked her Moroccan Spiced
There was yet another début in this round. It is Mike who started his new blog, Spikey Mikeys, and honored Paper Chef 34 by putting this entry as the first post in his new blog. Congratulations with your new blog! However, Mike is no newbie. He has been around for a while with another blog he had together with his partner Paul. So there is some fierce competition here with his well composed Poached Turkey (chicken) breast with marinated peppers on a bed of Bondi (french) Lentils and roasted caramelised butternut pumpkin.

To be or not to be was not the question in Tanna’s kitchen of half cups. No, it was all about squash or pepper to stuff in that kitchen. In the end she ended up choosing for all of it. Bless her. And I do hope she is feeling better. To get the full picture of filled peppers, pumpkins and unfortunately also a nose – click this link.

We already have a winner among the contestants. It is Denise at Chez Us who won for her Thanksgiving side dish at Chow Food Fight. Congrats, Denise. Well, let’s she if she did it again with her

Last but not least we have Ilva, who needs no further presentation, and her impressive and somewhat odd 3-course menu. I must say that turkey in a dessert would not be my choice but if some one can make it work it is Ilva. And to be honest, I would be more than happy to have her dessert with a tiny piece of turkey. Of course we should not forget the rest of this fantastic menu. Have a look and judge for yourselves. You will have to scroll down a few entries.

A special honorable mentioning has to be made.
Pia from Serendipity, Synchronicity and Saffron
At some point I might still get a link to the creation of Belly Timbers own Robin. I will not post my judging until after the weekend. So Robin get that blog of yours redone and you are still in the game.
PS.Sorry there is something wrong with the htlm. I am a far better cook than programmer so it will have to stay that way. D.S
Peoples choice poll, go to voteWednesday, 5 November 2008
Sunday, 2 November 2008
New ingredients please!
kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, honey, turkey, dried beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries, peaches or nectarines, fish, cream, red wine, mustard, rice vinegar, melon, mint, horse radish, lemon, tomatillos, basil, cauliflower, mushrooms.
This is the current list, please add on some more for the upcoming PC weekend, on Wednesday November's judge Magnus will announce the 4 ingredients!
This is the current list, please add on some more for the upcoming PC weekend, on Wednesday November's judge Magnus will announce the 4 ingredients!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
a request
I have a request to make; earlier this year I took over the Paper Chef, this venerable virtual food competition and I did that with pleasure, regarding it as an honour that Owen let me do it. I still love Paper Chef but I have a little problem. Initially I meant to let the winner of each month to do the roundups and the judging but as it did complicate things a bit because the time limits were not always respected etc, I decided to do it all by myself and it has rolled on quite well so far but even though it is not that hard to keep up with it, I do have other things going on in my life and sometimes they take over, like this month for example. This weekend was supposed to be a Paper Chef weekend but I forgot it. Not a big deal, we'll do it next weekend instead, but still, it is a sign that I need help so now I ask if there is someone out there who would be interested in co-hosting the Paper Chef with me? One, two or three people who are really serious about it and who wants to keep this great event alive? If you are interested, please email me at luculliandelights AT gmail DOT com and we can se if this is something for you. There are no real heavy obligations attached to it, I just want the roundups to be posted a day or two after the deadline on the Paper Chef blog and that you keep up the correspondence with the judges when you are in charge. And that you remember the dates. I have a couple of ideas of improvements that I will add here soon but I am open for your suggestions as well! I might not use them but I still would appreciate it!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
So it is time for the roundup of Paper Chef 33! Six entries and all quite different, I didn't expect that but I always forget about how creative food bloggers are! And how differently we think one from another! Fortunately so I say, especially when I see these entries, each and every one inspired! Remember the ingredients? They were rice, ginger, beetroot and apples. Pia, you won't have an easy choice here - Good Luck!
First out are Kay and Dana from Besides Pizza, a mother-daughter who have participated once before, this time they have made a bursting of goodness Really Red Apple Pie Crisp full of apples, ginger and beetroots. Inviting!
Duncan from Syrup and Tang is doing the PC for the first time and he made Beetroot and ginger layered kuih with apple purée, an inspired interpretation of a Malaysian /Indonesian dish. Mouthwatering!
Prtybrd (pronounce that one if you can! She does have a normal name but I'm not sure she wants me to use it) of Culturally Confused is also a first timer and her entry is Ginger Rice Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Cranberry Apple Beet Compote that has a most fantastic colour! Enticing!
Next out are Mike and Paul from Eat Me! I am so happy that they continue to participate in the Paper Chef as Paul's stopped food blogging (Paul, that's a reproach you know-get going again!) and this is the only time they appear in my rss reader. Anyway this time Paul has made an inviting Green Apple Risotto with Beetroot and Ginger “agrodolce” and Walnuts. Alluring!
Now Magnus of Amsterdam has outdone himself, he has not only made one entry, he has made a whole menu of three dishes! Smoked mackerel on an apple salsa with a beetroot sauce and a beetroot cracker, Rice coated sea wolf on lentils in a beetroot broth and Fluffy rice pudding with apple gel, poached beetroot with a beetroot syrup. Amazing!
And I made Beetroot and Ricotta Mousse with Ginger, Thyme and Balsamic Vinegar Served in Rice baskets and Topped with Apple Garnish.

Thursday, 2 October 2008
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
attention please!

Hold on, there will be a PC short list but Pia of Serendipity, Synchronicity and Saffron who is this month's judge, is travelling today and she told me that she would post the 4 ingredients as soon as she could later today. Just to be on the safe side I have decided to move the deadline from the 7th to the 8th so that we all have time enough to create a lot of interesting entries!
So keep your eyes open!

Sunday, 28 September 2008
new month, new PC round
OK, next week, from Wednesday 1st October to Tuesday 7th, Octber month's Paper Chef is on so it's time to propose some new ingredients! Here we have the existing list:
kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, beetroots, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, honey, turkey, dry beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries, peaches or nectarines, fish, cream, red wine, mustard, rice vinegar, melon, mint, ginger, horse radish, Meyer lemons and tomatillos.
Prepare yourself!

kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, beetroots, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, honey, turkey, dry beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries, peaches or nectarines, fish, cream, red wine, mustard, rice vinegar, melon, mint, ginger, horse radish, Meyer lemons and tomatillos.
Prepare yourself!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The winners are up!
Andrew has made his choice! Steer over and check it out over at Scottish Cow. Here I can disclose who won the People's Choice with a vast majority of votes (she got 43% of them!) - Conratulations to Pia who won with her Roasted tomatoes soup with quinoa croquettes!
Thanks a lot to all of you who voted and to the participants of course!

Thanks a lot to all of you who voted and to the participants of course!

Saturday, 13 September 2008
PAPER CHEF 32 - The Roundup!
I know I have taken my time but as I wrote in a post, I have been away and just came back! But here we are, nine participants this month too and I am really very proud of PC and you! Thanks a lot for participating and I really hope you will keep on creating and that we will become more and more!
This month Andrew from Scottish Cow is the Judge and the one who got to draw and choose the four ingredients, Yogurt, Quinoa, Rice Paper/Wrapper and Tomatoes. Not easy ones but on the other hand, I find that my brain works the best when it has to come up with dishes based on ingredient lists like this, the thinking effort pays off more in a strange way. I am so impressed with what the participants have come up with, there are a few wraps (inevitable with rice paper/wrapper) but they are all different, each and one of the participants have their own distinct take on their wraps! But there are also other dishes and I think you agree with me that the gastronomical levels of the entries are all high, just like it should be here at the Paper Chef!
I will make quite short presentations as I want this to be posted as soon as possible, I hope you won't mind!
Magnus of the blog Amsterdam has done it again, his take on Nime Chow is definitely worth trying out!
Then we have Natashya from Living in the Kitchen with Puppies who made Spicy Quinoa Vegetable Wraps with Yogurt Dipping Sauce that look delicious!
This is Amber's of Amber's Ambry first go at the PC event but I hope she will participate now on a regular basis because her Wraps with Eggplant Dip, Quinoa and Tomatoes look great!
Pia from Serendipity, Synchronicity and Saffron has been watching PC from afar but now she has finally had the time to participate, check out her wonderful Roasted tomatoes soup with quinoa croquettes, tsaziki and fried rice paper!
We have another first timer here, Kate from Dinocab, and I do hope I will see her here in the future too! She made beautiful Grape Leaves stuffed Sandwich Wrap, using Grape leaves instead as she couldn't find any rice paper. And, in case you wonder, you are allowed by the rules to use something similar if you cannot find an ingredient!
Haloo from Cook (Almost) Anything at Least Once has made wraps too but these are quite different, check out her Rice Paper Rolls with Quinoa Omelette and Spiced roasted Tomato Sauce to see the beauties!
And then we have my friend Mike of Eat Me! who made Spicy Lamb & Quinoa, Wrapped in Crispy Fried Rice Paper, with 2 dipping sauces: chilli & tomato, and a minted yogurt, that sounds really good!
Now I remember Tanna from My Kitchen in Half Cups not daring to participate in the PC but now she has thrown all doubts to the wind which I think is great, her entry is Spring Rolls with tomatoes, shrimp, edamame and quinoa served with wasabi yogurt sauce and a hot garlic pepper yogurt sauce!
Lori found the PC event over at Andrew's blog and as she had all the ingredients at home, she decided to participate-good choice! Her entry is Rice Wrappers with Eggplant and Quinoa served with Raita!
If there are links that doesn't work or if I have forgotten something, please tell me and I will fix it!
Thanks again for your patience!

This month Andrew from Scottish Cow is the Judge and the one who got to draw and choose the four ingredients, Yogurt, Quinoa, Rice Paper/Wrapper and Tomatoes. Not easy ones but on the other hand, I find that my brain works the best when it has to come up with dishes based on ingredient lists like this, the thinking effort pays off more in a strange way. I am so impressed with what the participants have come up with, there are a few wraps (inevitable with rice paper/wrapper) but they are all different, each and one of the participants have their own distinct take on their wraps! But there are also other dishes and I think you agree with me that the gastronomical levels of the entries are all high, just like it should be here at the Paper Chef!
I will make quite short presentations as I want this to be posted as soon as possible, I hope you won't mind!

If there are links that doesn't work or if I have forgotten something, please tell me and I will fix it!
Thanks again for your patience!

Friday, 12 September 2008
Please be patient
Sorry for the delay, just came home late yesterday vening after an exhausting but fun journey to Sweden, the exhibition went really well. I will try to put out the roundup tomorrow, I really will! So sorry to keep you all waiting!
Wednesday, 3 September 2008

So, Andrew has posted the ingredients, click over and start your brain, intuition or whatever it is you use when you Paper Chef! Looking forward to your entries!
Feel free to use the logo!

Monday, 1 September 2008
September month's ingredient list
This month you have been really good at suggesting ingredients, I hope thi smeans that you are going to participate as well! Thanks a lot to all of you! I have included the first two of everyone's suggestions because I had to draw the line somewhere!
kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, beetroots, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, yoghurt, honey, turkey, dry beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries, peaches or nectarines, fish, cream, red wine, mustard, rice paper or other wrapper, rice vinegar, melon, mint, ginger, horse radish, quinoa, Meyer lemons and tomatillos.
On Wednesday you have to check out July month's PC winner, Andrew from Scottish Cow, who will give you the 4 ingredients that you will play around with. If you have forgotten the rules or if this is the first time you are participating, click on the link to rules and regulations in the right hand margin!
kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, beetroots, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, yoghurt, honey, turkey, dry beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries, peaches or nectarines, fish, cream, red wine, mustard, rice paper or other wrapper, rice vinegar, melon, mint, ginger, horse radish, quinoa, Meyer lemons and tomatillos.
On Wednesday you have to check out July month's PC winner, Andrew from Scottish Cow, who will give you the 4 ingredients that you will play around with. If you have forgotten the rules or if this is the first time you are participating, click on the link to rules and regulations in the right hand margin!
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Calling for new Ingredients-it's show time folk!
kiwi, paprika, lentils, rabbit, rosemary, Cornish hens, spring onion, beetroots, raspberries, palm sugar, artichokes, green garlic, lettuce, onion, parsley, yoghurt, honey, turkey, dry beans, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, thyme, shallot, asparagus, mango, strawberries, cabbage, sage, anaheim peppers, cherries.
That is the existing ingredient list, please come with suggestions for new ones!
Paper Chef will take place between Wednesday the 3rd and Tuesday the 9th of September. So please start up your creative engines!
I'll be back with more information soon!

That is the existing ingredient list, please come with suggestions for new ones!
Paper Chef will take place between Wednesday the 3rd and Tuesday the 9th of September. So please start up your creative engines!
I'll be back with more information soon!

Sunday, 20 July 2008
Monday, 14 July 2008
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
PAPER CHEF 31- The Roundup

I am happy to be able to say that this month we have 9 Paper Chef entries and I didn't feel the need to participate in order to add to the number! Thank you all for taking the PC seriously and for coming up with such great entries. I have to say that Hank has to be praised for his excellent ingredient list, even though 3 of them was chosen arbitrarily, it was he who did that and the fish steak was his choice! So kudos to you! And thanks for judging, it is not an easy task you have before you!
So I better start the roundup.

Tricia of from Jonski Blogski came up with an interesting Naan-Traditional Salmon but then she realized that she misread the ingredient list so she has an additional entry at the end of the post!

This is it, now you have to vote and I have to start doing some real work over here! Thanks to all of the participants, if I have forgotten something or someone, please tell me!
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